Sunday 2 October 2011

Grade 12 Genetics in a Nutshell


10. In 1952, Hershey and Chase discovered that DNA is the hereditary information not protein.

  • conducted an experiment with bacteriophage: phage tagged with radioisotopes, 32P in DNA and 35S in protein

9. In 1953, Watson and Crick discovered the double helical structure of DNA.
  • with the help from the x-ray image of DNA retrieved by Franklin, they were able to figure out the width of the DNA, 2nm, and the arrangement of nitrogenous bases
  • purines can only bind with pyrimidines and this explained the Chargaff's rules

DNA Structure

8. DNA consists of many nucleotides which are made up of phosphate, sugar, and base.
  • nitrogenous bases: Adenine=Thymine, Guanine(triple bond)Cytosine
  • sugar + nitrogenous base => Glycosyl bond (intra), sugar + phosphate => phosphodiester (intra), nucleotides + nucleotides => hydrogen bond (intermolecular)

DNA Replication

7. DNA uses semiconservative method to replicate. One old strand and one newly made strand.

6. Enzymes and proteins carry out the job of replication. => HelicaseSingle-Strand Binding ProteingyraseprimaseDNA polymerase IIIDNA polymerase Iligase
  • 5' to 3' elongation!!!
  • leading strand / template can code for a continuous complimentary strand, lagging strand has Okazaki Fragments 


5. Messenger RNA is transcribed from the template strand of a gene.
  • transcription factors aka TFs (proteins) bind to the promotor region (TATA box)
  • then RNA polymerase binds to TFs creating transcription initiation complex
  • RNA polymerase II conduct elongation 
  • transcription process stops after transcribing the terminator sequence, AAUAA

4. pre-mRNA is modified after transcription in eukaryotic cells
  • 5' => 5' cap of guanine. protect form hydrolytic enzymes and signal for ribosomes
  • 3' => poly(A) tail. same as 5' cap and also export mRNA from the nucleus
  • RNA splicing => cut introns and join extrons to form mRNA molecule with only coding sequence
  • snRNA + proteins = snRNPs + other proteins + pre-mRNA => spliceosome 


3. initiation: mRNA, tRNA with amino acid, two ribosomal subunits join together

2. Elongation
  • codon recognition: elongation factor => hydrogen bonding between mRNA codon under A site with anticodon of tRNA
  • peptide bond forms with polypeptide in P site and the amino acid in the A site
  • translocation: tRNA with polypeptide is moved from A site to P site by ribosome and the tRNA that was previously in P site is now in E site and then leaves the ribosome

1. Termination
  • release factor enters A site then hydrolyzes the bond between polypeptide and its tRNA then translation complex disassembles

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