Thursday 20 October 2011

Bio Note

  • energy: ability to do work
  • metabolism: the sum of all anabolic and catabolic processes in a cell or organism
  • kinetic energy: energy possessed by moving objects
  • potential energy: energy stored by virtue of an object's position within an attractive or repulsive force field
  • work: the transfer of energy form one body or place to another
  • the first law of thermodynamics: the total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Energy cannot be created or destroyed bout only converted from one from into another. If an object or process gains an amount of energy, it does so at the expense of a loss in energy somewhere else in the universe
  • bond energy: the minimum energy required to break one mole of bonds between two species of atoms; a measure of the stability of  a chemical bond
  • activation energy: the difference between the potential energy level of the transition state and the potential energy of reacting molecules
  • transition state: in a chemical reaction, a temporary condition in which the bonds within reactants are breaking and the bonds between products are forming
  • entropy(S): a measure of the randomness or disorder in a collection of objects or energy
  • free energy: energy that can do useful work
  • second law of thermodynamics: the entropy of the universe increases with any change that occurs.
  • exergonic reaction: a chemical reaction in which the energy of the products is less than the energy of reactants
  • endergonic reaction:  a chemical reaction in which the energy of the products is more than the energy of the reactants
  • oxidation: a chemical reaction in which an atom loses one more electrons
  • reduction: gain electron
  • redox reation: oxidation and reduction
  • reducing agent: the substance that loses an electron/ substance that causes the reduced atom to become reduced
  • oxidizing agent: the substance that gains an electron/ substance that causes the oxidized atom to become oxidized
  • substrate:  the reactant that an enzyme acts on when it catalyzes a chemical reaction
  • active site: the location where the substrate binds to an enzyme

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